Presidential Election 2022: What the latest polls say

A few days before the vote on April 24, the outgoing president retained the advantage based on the purpose of the vote.

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IThey surrender one after another. Two presidential finalists, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, clashed on Friday against the plan and in a personal tone. For the outgoing president, the program of his far-right rival is not “created sweetness.” Marine Le Pen responded that his presidency was a “terrible dictatorship.”

Realizing that this is no longer enough, and realizing that it must first be appeased, one calls for the suppression of the extreme right. Others call on the “people” to “rule out the return of Emmanuel Macron” who rules in “small numbers” but must make sure he is not “in extremism”.

In the days leading up to the April 24 referendum, the outgoing president retained an advantage in voting intent (53 to 55%), but with a slight difference (66/34%) from five years ago. With many more unknowns, especially the non-voting situation and the 21.95% vote cast for Sunday’s incumbent candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon was postponed.

Find all information about the 2022 Presidential Election

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