Presidential Election 2022: Thousands of protesters march for the “future”

Although French law has banned any election campaign since Friday, large rallies have been organized throughout France. An opportunity to “talk about forgotten themes during the campaign,” according to one organizer.

BAt the initiative of environmental, anti-racist, feminist and insecure organizations and alliances, thousands of protesters marched across France on Saturday “for the future.” Climate emergency.

More than 300 events were organized on Saturday in Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon and Toulouse at the invitation of local movements such as Alternatiba, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, #NousToutes or the Feminist Federation, a movement of more than 300 associations, unions, or citizens. Of the Abe Bear Foundation.

In Paris, 5,600 protesters marched between Place de la Bastille and Place de la République, according to police, 35,000 organizers. One hundred “yellow hats” marched at the head of the procession.

According to Friends of the Earth spokeswoman Loret Filippott, “this is an unprecedented meeting.” “At the end of this five-year term and at the beginning of the next term, it is to show that these problems have the same root.

We have just seen environmental candidate Yannick Jodot marching wisely behind the truck of his party EELV. People around him say that Jean-Luc Mலlenchon also “passed quickly and wisely.”

“We did not give voting advice, but you should attend,” said Youssef Brukney of the Adama Committee. “It is the same economic and political system that creates these repressions.” The march, unprecedented and monopolistic, would have mobilized a total of 60,000 protesters, according to organizers.

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End of the world, end of the month

In Lyon (1,600 according to the prefecture, 3,000 according to the organizers), the procession, stopped by slogans, brass bands and olas, passed through the Rhne, sometimes under cold rain, reaching the city’s largest place, Bellicore. The Greeks brought out the giant globe that guided the first Lyon marches. The organizers focused on avoiding the flags of political parties and respecting political presence.

Multi-colored billboards reading “Do not add oil to the fire”, “Destroy the living, destroy the powerful”, or: “The end of the world, the end of the month, the same fight” is the main association marching under the banner of the Alternatiba.

“Being anti-racist, anti-feminist is essentially anti-environmental. Climate protection reflects the broader vision of a just society, “said Alex Montvernay, 29, a spokeswoman for Alternatiba.

In Bordeaux, protesters (according to 3,000 organizers, 900 provinces) hurried under the sun. “Whatever happens at the election level, it is too late. Giec (Intergovernmental Panel on Experts on Climate Change, editorial note) gives three years to change the carbon emissions curve, “explained AFP, a spokesman for the group and a member of the Destructive Rebellion.

Since the end of February, UN climate experts have released two bold reference reports on the climate.

In Strasbourg, about 300 people, according to the province, shouted “We are warmer, warmer, warmer than the weather” and behind the Greenpeace banner “Climate: Stop Blabla, space for action”.

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Flags of the CGT and Attac Association were also seen in the ranks of protesters, as well as activists wearing green hats against the Grand Bypass West (GCO), a motorway bypass in the Alsatian capital.

In Toulouse, they numbered about 900, according to the province, and formed the longest human chain to the Place to Capitol.

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