Pension crisis in France: More than 80 people were arrested during protests in Paris on Saturday evening

BFires, projectiles thrown from arracades, garbage cans and bus shelters: Clashes with police and dozens of arrests in the Place d’Italia district of the French capital on Saturday evening. 49.3 To carry out pension reform. According to France Info, 81 people have been arrested in the French capital

It was the third evening of tension in the capital since Elizabeth Borne announced on Thursday that the text could be adopted without a vote, barring a motion of censure, under Article 49.3 of the constitution.

Tensions moved from the 8th to the 13th arrondissement, with gatherings on the Place de la Concorde and Champs-Élysées banned by Paris police headquarters on Saturday. “Due to the risk of disturbing public order and security (…) public gatherings are prohibited in the Place de la Concorde and its surroundings and on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées,” he told AFP earlier in the afternoon.

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Finally, there was tension in the Place d’Italia district, where a procession of several thousand people, at the invitation of the CGT Ile-de-France, – according to “4,000” policemen – marched from Butte towards the lively district. aux-Cailles for narrow streets. Trash cans were set on fire, billboards and windows of bus shelters were targeted, and construction barriers were used to block streets, an AFP journalist noted.

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Around 8 p.m., police intervened, particularly motorized anti-violent action units (BRAV-M), and fired tear gas, AFP-TV reported. Police registered a case.

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In the city, around 10,000 tonnes of waste is still waiting to be collected on the capital’s pavements, and workers will be asked by the government to start collecting waste overflowing in several neighbourhoods.

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Rallies were held across the country, in Brest, Nantes (west), Toulon or Montpellier (south-east), ahead of a new day of national action planned for Thursday. The left-wing classified syndicate CGT made an impression on Saturday that the country’s largest refinery, located in Normandy (northwest) and operated by TotalEnergies, has begun to close.

A milestone has thus been passed. Since the start of the movement, fuel exports have been blocked, but none of the seven French refineries have been completely shut down. Technically more severe, the operation takes several days and may not immediately cause a fuel shortage, but it may spread. At least two refineries could be closed later Monday, CGT warned.

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