Paris will host an international rally in support of Ukraine on Monday

In Brazil, the Russian diplomatic chief accused the West of making “baseless accusations” against Moscow.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Thursday welcomed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who condemned the West's approach.

Mr. Lavrov “Outlined Russia's Positions on Conflict in Ukraine”, the Brazilian government announced in a press release about the bilateral meeting organized in Brasilia and concluded without commenting to the press. President Lula, for his part, repeated it “Brazil is ready to continue to cooperate in efforts for peace in Ukraine”, In a message.

Lula opposes Washington's policy of isolating Moscow from the start of a large-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Western powers sharing responsibility for the war.

Sergey Lavrov attended the G20 diplomatic leaders' meeting in the Latin American country of Rio de Janeiro this week as its rotating president this year. Mr. Lavrov told the Russian press on Thursday: “Some of our Western colleagues tried at the G20 ministerial meeting (…) Making baseless accusations against the Russian Federation and “Ukrainizing” the agenda in every possible way. »

“These efforts are not supported by developing countries, the majority of which are in the Global South.”He promised.

Tensions between the West and Russia have escalated following the prison death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, with Western countries such as the United States blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin. In western countries “Act as prosecutors, accusers, judges and executioners at the same time. The frenzy sparked by Navalny's death proved this conclusively.”Mr. Lavrov declared.

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For his part, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also announced that he had been received by Lula this week “Vladimir Putin thought it necessary to torture, poison and imprison a man. [Alexeï Navalny] That says a lot not about Russia's strength under Putin, but about its weakness..

Mr. Blinken also mentioned“A strong and clear will among almost all members of the G20” put an end to “Respect the rights of Ukrainians to future territorial integrity, Russian aggression and peace prevail”.

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