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About fifty demonstrators, mostly French, gathered in Ostend on Monday for a protest to “welcome” French President Emmanuel Macron.

Under the flags of the French NPA Party (New Capitalist Anti-Party) and Attack-a-Lille Citizen Coalition, the demonstrators gathered on a bridge around 4:00 p.m., shortly before the arrival of the French head of state. The harbor and peak stand at a good distance.

We’re here, we’re here, even if Macron doesn’t like it“The demonstrators were particularly absorbed, many of them banging pots and small utensils, in front of a line of barbed wire and about twenty police blocking access to the bridge.”Retirement at 60, let’s fight for it“, they chanted.

We wanted to assign a non-welcoming group to Emmanuel Macron. Many comrades were stopped on the road, many searched, their pans confiscated, and asked to come here exclusively.“, AFP Anne, a 37-year-old activist and spokeswoman for the attack, who did not want to be named.”But we’re here, we’re not going to let go, we’re going to make Macron listen to his reform (pension) and we don’t like his policy.“Added the activist who, like most of the demonstrators, came from Lille, 90 km from Ostend.

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