Long-known corona virus alert

A recent study by scientists from Wuhan University and the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been published on the Internet. BioRxiv Print, Attracts attention. This initial research warns of the potential danger of a type of corona virus that responds to the sweet name of NeoCoV, which has already been studied for 10 years.

“NeoCoV is a virus with MERS-CoV (30%) death and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Eric Muriel, a senior researcher at the Research Fund (FRS – FNRS), says on Belgian public television. Website “rtbf”.

First, NeoCoV was detected in bats in South Africa and is genetically close to MERS-CoV, also known as Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) – another corona virus that appeared in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and is already endangered. Epidemics in many countries in the Middle East. According to the Belgian media, NeoCoV “contains at least 85% of the MERS-CoV gene”.

Does it spread to humans?

Do not panic! So far, no transmission to humans has been detected. What about this risk in the future? Chinese study warns that antibodies targeting both SARS-CoV-2 – Covit-19 – and MERS-CoV could not stop NeoCoV.

“The fact that the virus can bind to ACE2 is complex because the virus has proven to have the potential to infect human cells as well,” said Professor Cyril Cohen, an immunologist and professor at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv. “rtbf”. Researchers are concerned about this corona virus because a mutation in the Nyokov virus gene may be sufficient to infiltrate human cells.

They believe that more research is needed to seriously assess the risk to humans.

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(Essential / Ka)

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