“I’re out of idiots like you!”: Gilbert Callard talking about marching on Eric Gemmer

This weekend, Gilbert Callard announced that he would be joining Eric Zemore’s “Restoration” party. So he withdrew from the National Rally of Marine Le Pen. Three months before the presidential election is a choice that makes people talk.

This morning, he was the guest almost every morning to explain his wish. But the clash was reported on CNews. On “Morandini Live”, MEP confronted Julian O’Dwyer from RN. Gilbert Collard explained the differences between the two versions of France made by the candidates. He also said that Marine Le Pen was a “brave” politician and did not want to speak ill of him. When confirming that “Jemmoor made the political correctness wrong.”

Words that made RN’s regional adviser Julien Odoul laugh … but not Reconquest’s new honorary president! “I exclude Julian O’Dowd from his contradictory laughter that annoys me. Okay? Do we agree?”“, He asked irritably. “You are not Mr. Collard. Come on …“, Then RN’s spokesman teased.”You have betrayed the voters of the National Rally. You need honesty to withdraw your order as MEP “, He added.

The sentence that broke the camel’s back. “Be careful … I do not want to talk to you. I did not! It was not planned. I just have to say ….”, The lawyer continued. “I’m just leaving because of idiots like you. I do not like the debate., He concluded.

“No discussion, you just called him out.”, Then host Jean-Marc Morandini responded. “You’re a fake ass”, Gilbert Collard answered him before officially leaving the direct telephone connection.

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