“I will not protect you”: Why Donald Trump could encourage Russia to attack some NATO member states

During a meeting in South Carolina this Saturday, Donald Trump announced that he would not defend NATO countries against Russia if they ever failed to pay. “I would encourage them to do what they want to do to you,” the White House candidate said.

Are insecure and non-allied nations facing potential aggression from Russia? This Saturday, February 10, in the middle of a meeting, Donald Trump confirmed that he will not support NATO member states threatened by Moscow if they delay in paying: the former president actually accused some NATO countries of not contributing enough. Funding the military coalition.

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The shocking statement was made at a rally in South Carolina a year before the US presidential election. Funding for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a recurring element in candidate manifestos for the White House. During this meeting, he had fun simulating an imaginary debate between him and the president of “a great country”. He “stood up and said: “Well, sir, if we don't pay, if we get attacked by Russia, will you protect us?” To which Donald Trump replied: “No, I won't. I will protect you. In fact I would encourage them to do whatever they want to you. You must pay your debts.”

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“Scary and Crazy”

This position and this provocation break from the American position, specific to the American billionaire, which generally presents itself as the defender of Western values ​​and the defender of European countries against Russia. A shocking statement given that the US Congress is still withholding its financial aid, as Ukraine continues to fare worse than Moscow.

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“The invasion of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unconscionable,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said. For his part, Charles Michel, president of the European Council, spoke of “irresponsible statements about NATO security and Article 5 solidarity (which) will only serve Putin's interests”. “On the contrary, they once again underline the need for the EU to urgently develop its strategic autonomy and invest in its security,” he adds.

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