Here are the disturbing messages the Lyon station attacker posted before his crime

On Saturday morning, Gare de Lyon in Paris saw a particularly violent attack. Around 8am, a man attacked three people with a knife. The Malian suspect was quickly arrested by the police after he was attacked by passers-by and handed over to the railway police.

The day after the attack, Le Parisien found several challenging messages on the suspect's TikTok account. “I'm not French, I don't dream of being French, I don't like France, I hate all French people”, he says in a video. “This is the reason for boycotting France, because the French who took away my right to life are the French who took away my dignity. The French stole it, […] “My grandparents were held hostage by the French for slavery.”Malian continues. “The French forced my grandparents to do forced labor to settle their accounts, their finances.”

A planned attack?

The suspect also posted another video in which his alleged attack was planned. Indeed, we hear him say “RIP in three months, may Allah welcome me to His paradise. Offense is the best defense“, he declares. “Sometimes you have to attack, you shouldn't always wait for reciprocity. Sometimes you need to attack to dominate your own opponent, to intimidate your opponent, to intimidate your opponent. This is what we call dominance principle..”

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