Has Donald Trump moved into a parallel universe?

Donald Trump spoke at CPAC, a conservative political gathering that is an important meeting in American politics. The former US president, who has yet to accept his failure to win re-election in 2020, gave a tough speech. Donald Trump drew up an election plan in front of an audience. Against other Republicans, he didn’t let up on his attacks on President Biden. We’re used to its excesses, but a new phase seems to have passed…hence the questions:

– Has Donald Trump moved into a parallel universe?

– Can he lead Republicans into this parallel world?

The former president’s speech lasted for over an hour and a half. A lot of stories, with a lot of aggression, and it’s sometimes contradictory, that’s Trump in a nutshell. This speech was directed against CPAC’s conservatives. But if we zoom in, has he gone too far?

Not necessarily, according to Jean-Eric Brana, PhD in American Studies, a researcher in law and political science at Paris Panthéon-Assas University.

Watch two excerpts from Donald Trump’s speech and find Jean-Eric Branagh’s analysis by clicking the video above, The video was taken Click onYour daily talk information, Monday to Friday at 5pm on La Premiere and 7:10pm and around 10:15pm on La Trois

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