Last week we learned that French Senator Joel Gerio was charged For drugging a fellow MP without his knowledge, with intent to sexually assault him. Sandrine Josseau filed a complaint after the accident, which she decided to tell on C à Vous, then on BFMTV.
A week after the events, the member for Loire-Atlantique spoke. On the evening of November 14, he was invited by Joel Zeria to his home to celebrate his re-election as a senator. “I went with all friendship to celebrate the re-election of this Senator whom I had known for ten years, with confidence., where he begins his story on the C à vous set this Monday evening. “He simply told me that he was going to cook fajitas because there would be less people and less noise.He mentions this Tuesday morning on BFMTV.
She explains that while she is in the living room, her colleague serves her a glass of champagne from her kitchen. “I don’t look at the glass before I drink. I took the first sip and the taste was not as usual, sweet. I told myself that maybe it was buggy. She unfolds. However, he noted Joel Zeria’s “strange” behavior: “He kept wanting to toast me so I could take a sip and he told me ‘but you don’t drink anything’.
Another thing that caught the attention of the elected official was that the senator was playing with the lamp. “He turned on the lamp very brightly and then suddenly dimmed it”, explains BFMTV. “The doctors explained to me that this is to activate the effects of the medicine.
Minutes after taking her first sip of champagne, Sandrin Josseau feels palpitations, sweats and nausea. Thinking that this happened because she was fasting, she asked her guest to eat. But the symptoms don’t go away. Joel Gerrieu goes into the kitchen to serve her a second cup, only to see her put “a white bag in the drawer under the worktop.” Then she realized that she was intoxicated and decided to run away.
The deputy then orders a taxi, but the senator urges her to stay. “I leave the apartment. He follows me, it’s a terrible minute, he follows me when I land, in the elevator, in the courtyard, on the street, until I sit in the taxi. she recalled on BFMTV.
“I can’t stand up”
“At first I thought I was going to die of a heart attack. I thought I was going to die because I thought he was going to abuse me. I couldn’t stand up in the elevator. It was then that she came to the National Assembly and her colleagues recommended her to go to the hospital. The verdict? Clues Ecstasy was detected in his composition. Bags of these drugs were actually found after a search of Joel Jeria’s home.
On BFMTV this Tuesday morning, Sandrine Josso said she was still “in shock”. She uses the story to raise awareness of the “whip” of chemical submission. “Doctors said they see people like me three times a day. We can all go through what I went through. This is no longer possible”.
Last Friday, The two elected officials were confronted by Paris judicial police. Joel Jerio denies his colleague’s allegations. He was placed under judicial supervision and barred from contact with the victim and witnesses. “It lasted two hours. I couldn’t see him, I was behind him, it was terrible, I cried.Sandrine Josso notes on BFMTV.
Even the accused He was suspended from his “Horizons” party.
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