“France opposes and will continue to oppose the free trade agreement with Mercosur,” says Emmanuel Macron.

The IMF's managing director is concerned about new aid given by European countries to farmers

Managing Director of the IMF, assures “to understand” The plight of farmers, who have been protesting for days in Europe, particularly in France, was alarmed by states on Thursday offering aid. “necessary” Budget consolidation.

Kristalina Georgieva assured reporters “Understand from the human point of view, [que les agriculteurs] It is not easy to do the work they do with so many difficulties”. But still “If this puts governments up against the wall and prevents them from doing what is necessary to strengthen the economy, then we may regret it.”.

The IMF has for months been urging states, particularly rich ones, to phase out aid provided to support their economies during the pandemic, then faced with sudden inflation and related shocks. Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Kristalina Georgieva has repeatedly emphasized the danger that states face “The Rushing Shocks” Without the required budget margin, lending rates have increased significantly in recent years. “I have spoken to many officials, especially finance ministers, who recognize the need for fiscal consolidation, but it is difficult to stop support”Did she say

The IMF advises “Look globally at how to rebuild the necessary margins. Can you increase your income? Ensure the quality of your costs? Can you do more? »

“Governments are under huge pressure to invest in competitiveness, the green economy, training and skills for the digital economy. Where is this money going to come from? Debt service is increasing. Your public support for good causes has increased and you are under pressure to spend.”Emphasized by Mme Georgieva.

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