Finland and Sweden entry into NATO: Why is Turkey reluctant?

According to Didier Billion, there are a number of issues under discussion. The first would be for the United States. Ankara wants Restrictions imposed by Washington, especially on the supply of armsWill be reviewed.

Turkey accuses Sweden and Finland of harboring PKK officials on its soil.

The second issue is the Kurdish question, explicitly quoted by Erdogan. “Turkey accuses Sweden and, to a lesser extent, Finland of harboring soil officials of the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. It is an armed struggle organization led by Kurdish nationalists. The group has been at war with the Turkish government since 1984 and has been described by Ankara as a terrorist, but the EU and United States“, He explains.

Ankara could take advantage of the situation to resume its relations with NATO and the European Union.

In addition, Turkey may be asked to participate more in NATO’s political decisions. “Over the years, relations between Turkey and NATO have deteriorated. This is one of the files Turkey could take to take advantage of the situation: resume its relations with NATO, but also with EU member states.”, He notes.

To do Keep in mind that these talks are taking place in an environment where Turkey is trying not to get too angry with Moscow. “Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Turkey has been condemning this occupation. It closed the Straits of Phosphorus and Tardanelles. However, sanctions against Russia do not apply. Economic stocks are very important, especially in the field of hydrocarbons, none in Turkey, and most of them come from Russian distributions.“, He analyzes.

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