Experimental hybrid vehicle explodes in Naples, killing two researchers | Various facts

A European-funded experimental hybrid vehicle exploded last Friday in Naples, southern Italy, killing two researchers on board, the National Research Council (CNR) announced Thursday.

“Fulvio Filles, a trainer (age 25) who was with researcher Maria Vittoria Bratti in a car that exploded in Naples on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, died,” the CNR lamented in a press release. ” and his “shock” as “the families of the two victims, their colleagues and their friends” rallied around.

It is a Volkswagen Polo diesel (Tdi), used as part of a European research project called “Life-Save” (Solar Assisted Vehicle Electrification) and aimed at testing an electric motor with batteries powered by solar panels in vehicles equipped with a combustion engine. , again according to AGI.

70% of the young man, who was placed in an induced coma, suffered third-degree injuries when his hybrid vehicle exploded.

The driver, Maria Vittoria Bratti, 66, an expert in the study of pollution and the use of alternative fuels, died on Monday as a result of the accident on the Naples ring road.

Internal audit

The CNR, which immediately launched an internal audit, is mobilizing investigators to “find out the causes of this very serious accident and facilitate the progress of the investigations”.

The Naples prosecutor’s office, which opened an investigation into the fire and murder, seized a prototype similar to Friday’s explosion, according to the Italian agency AGI.

The website of the “Life-Save” project (https://www.life-save.eu/) is currently deactivated and only an obituary appears on its home page.

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