“Exercising our right to self-defense is in direct proportion”

Washington and Seoul on Wednesday warned North Korea against any nuclear attack that would trigger a response that would “finish” the regime in Pyongyang, during a visit by the South Korean president to the United States.

The most powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Yo Jong responded that North Korea believes in the need to “further perfect” its nuclear deterrence program.

“The more the adversaries conduct nuclear drills, the more they deploy nuclear weapons near the Korean Peninsula, and the direct use of our right to self-defense will be in direct proportion,” Kim Yo Jung said.

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and his US counterpart Joe Biden on Wednesday adopted the “Washington Declaration”, which significantly strengthens their cooperation on security matters, including nuclear energy.

Actions decided under the deal include the deployment of a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine in South Korea for the first time in four decades.

Kim Yo Jong continued that the agreement “will only contribute to exposing peace and security in Northeast Asia and the world, so it is a move that cannot be welcomed in any way.”

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