European Summit: Robert Figo stands out, but Viktor Orbán is the unrivaled master of trolling.

Trace! This is an unprecedented about-face among Western allies, especially since this Eastern European country has been so determined to support Kiev, as have its neighbors in the region – with the notable exception of Hungary. Bratislava supplied Ukraine with fighter jets (Soviet-designed MiG-29), MANPADS (ground-to-air defense systems) and an anti-aircraft defense system, in addition to repairing weapons used by Ukrainian soldiers. But before Robert Fico came to power on Wednesday, he had no qualms allying himself with a far-right, pro-Russian party (a “standard” held by Mr. Fico himself).

Even the Kremlin doesn’t seem impressed by this “gesture of solidarity.” “Slovakia’s role (Kyiv, editor’s note) in the supply of arms is not large, that is why it does not affect the whole process”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the press with surprising frankness. Even Russia says…

Twenty-seven are reluctant to grant an extension of 66 billion euros to the European budget: “It is not acceptable,” believes Alexandre de Groo.

An original Orban is better than a copy

On the European side, Mr. Figo’s announcement may fuel concerns, but it won’t be enough to destabilize the union completely. This is a real danger when one is content to steal the absolute master Trolling European: Viktor Orban. Indeed, when Robert Figo gives lessons for the EU, for him it should “Transition from Arms Supplier to Peacemaker”, we might think we’re listening to the Hungarian prime minister, who has repeatedly said he’s on the side of peace since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It should read “on the side of bogus formulas that poorly cover self-interested cronyism with Moscow.” However, Mr. Orban should be recognized for his unparalleled talent. program In poor taste, he proved it again on Thursday. “Do you support a cease-fire?”, a journalist refers to him openly about the situation in Gaza. Answer: “I support a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia.”

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Even your provocative tone to defend his recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin: as in many European countries “A Battle Strategy”, “We have a peace strategy. We are proud of it.”, Mr. Orban dared. It finally gained some traction. Lithuanian President Kitanas Nauseda made the call “weird” The “Flirting with a regime that commits the most brutal atrocities in Ukraine”. Behavior of the Hungarian “It’s becoming a problem we have to solve.”Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas also weighed in.

Undoubtedly the most remarkable reaction was that of Xavier Petal: “By shaking Putin’s hand, Orban gives Ukrainians the finger”, announced the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, this will undoubtedly be the last European summit. A beautiful discharge.

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