Escape Academy captures the fun of escape puzzles, without the cramped rooms

My friends, it has been very difficult to produce enough brain juice naturally to function as a normal person. Even things that I usually enjoy a lot, like video games, don’t achieve what they used to be too much Reasons. But after spending some time with escape academy By playing around a bit and talking to the developers, I think I have the serotonin delivery system that I desperately need.

escape academy From Coin Crew Games is a narrative puzzle game curated to look like real escape rooms. You play as an escape room enthusiast who is invited to a secret academy where students can train to become the best escapees. The people at Coin Crew games actually worked on real character escape rooms, and during the bout of cabin fever caused by the pandemic, they went looking for games that recreated that experience. But they didn’t really find the type of toys that scratched that particular itch, so they decided to make their back scratcher work.

It can be difficult to move something originally designed for a physical space into a digital one. There will always be a part that can’t really faithfully translate from the real to the unreal, and it’s our brain’s job to suspend disbelief enough to fill that gap. One of the most attractive things about escape academy is that it sounds like a lost semi-translation of the escape room experience. I didn’t feel like I was missing anything or was limited by the fact that I wasn’t in a physical place. I remember feeling the same awkward angst peeking over the run counter every now and then as I made my way through a majestic looking room as I would in real rooms with real people.

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The ace lawyer A series of puzzle games that I enjoyed a lot, but one of the biggest puzzle games that bothered me, Especially the latest version, is that solving questions or puzzles sometimes requires huge leaps in logic. It’s a lot of A + B = D and you have no idea how the game designers got there.

One of my favorite puzzles in the demo.
Coin Crew Games

But all the puzzles I played in it escape academy makes sense. It wasn’t so easy but not so complicated that I couldn’t follow the game’s logic to get to the correct answer or figure out the next step in the puzzle series as is often required in ace lawyer.

I love this kind of midstream approach to confusion because it makes you feel like a brain god. Yes, you followed the clues not too difficult and not too simple to solve this puzzle correctly. I am the Queen of Mind, salute. This kind of good vibes is priceless and hard to come by, especially in a game design culture that seems to be happy to have them The voice of the player character you have to do right away While you are recording something to do. (I’m looking at him directly you Forbidden horizon west.)

While escape academyThe designers trust the player’s intelligence enough to let them decide this themselves, and there’s also a powerful hint system that pushes players in the right direction without explicit solutions being revealed. I was actually a little annoyed because it’s really easy to accidentally hit the “help me” button when I don’t need it, messing with my results.

I haven’t noticed the keyhole yet.
Coin Crew Games

another bothers you ace lawyer is that these games will require you to go through every step of solving the puzzle even if you have already figured out the answer. It’s like if I knew the answer to 3×2 + 3 = 9, the game would still require me to do the work of multiplying three by two and then adding three again instead of just being able to answer nine. It’s slow and frustrating and at least sometimes in ace lawyerthe game will make you take even more Strange steps to get to an answer you’ve already come up with.

escape academy He doesn’t care if you can show it work, he cares that you know the answer. In my play there were puzzles I didn’t complete or clues that I could completely ignore because the game allows me to jump to the answer. I appreciate this kind of “confidence to the player” to solve puzzles without friction.

I’m the kind who knows they’re having fun when they start mumbling to themselves. I’m a square scorer, very satisfied with marking metaphorical squares and realizing that while I was talking about puzzles, “I need to turn this map upside down. Movement up is movement down, movement to the left is right,” I was ticking the boxes . These puzzles will definitely require some pen and paper, and having the sense of touch to write things down and cross things while solving puzzles enhances the game’s already very satisfying gameplay loop.

Escape Academy also offers some interesting stories as well as puzzle solving.
Coin Crew Games

Escape rooms, once the pride of strip malls and the culmination of any corporate retreat, have recently lost their popularity. They had a brief, bright moment in their late teens before the pandemic made intimate gatherings where people tossed out so many solutions to breathing puzzles and yelled at each other in cramped quarters that an extremely unappealing option. And even as these activities slowly return to the zeitgeist — for good or evil — I don’t think the escape room industry will ever return to its pre-pandemic glory. But the idea of ​​escape rooms is still really alluring, which makes escape academy An early favorite of one of the most charming and well-rounded entries on the 2022 gaming calendar.

escape academy Releases June 28 on Xbox, Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation, and PC. But! If you are like me and need a good brain scratcher like escape academy and more ImmediatelyIt will be available to try from today until May 23 as part of Steam’s Cerebral Puzzle Showcase.

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