Elections in Turkey: Erdogan slips below 50%, second round on May 28 more likely

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, highlighted by official media early on the evening of May 14, fell below 50% after almost all ballots were counted, according to state agency Anadolu.

At 11:00 p.m. local time (10:00 p.m. Belgium time), the head of state opened the possibility of a second round on May 28 with nearly 90% of the votes counted, with 49.94% of the votes counted, according to Anadolu. His rival and opposition leader Kemal Klişateroğlu would have won 44.3% of the vote. Sinon Ogan, the third candidate in the election, received 5.3% of the vote.

However, a few minutes ago, Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the opposition to refrain from making decisions.Emergency“During an Account”Democratic“Voting is ongoing. Any advance assessment”E“The will of the nation,” he wrote on Twitter, responding to comments by the opposition that he was ahead on the first count. He thanked his supporters and asked the election officials not to leave the polling stations before getting a firm result. .

Opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu also asked officials to stay at their posts and told supporters to prepare for a long night. “My people, we will not sleep tonight“, he announced on Twitter. He accused the state news agency Anadolu “ConspiracyHe noted that it had given President Erdoğan 60% of the vote in the initial results, and has now reduced that figure to less than 50%.

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