Drama in France: A young woman dies during a parachute parade in Strasbourg

The epicenter was reported below the Pacific Ocean floor, however; no tsunami alert was issued.

“Firefighters intervened for a 24-year-old woman involved in parachuting training” and “fell from an altitude of approximately 1,000 meters,” SDIS said in a statement.

The victim was “pronounced dead” at the scene, the report said.

A SDIS spokeswoman said the young woman was jumping from an airport near the crash site.

An inquest has been opened, a judicial source said, adding that the accidental path is currently privileged. The Go Pro cameras of other paratroopers who jumped at the same time as them and the object of that young woman would be exploited to determine the cause of the tragedy, it added.

According to a spokesman for SDIS, ten people who were “in shock” at the time of the crash were undergoing psychiatric treatment.

The free fall area went well, but “there was a problem opening”, despite the young woman’s rescue maneuver, it was not triggered by the regional newspaper Les Dernieres Nouvelles d’Alsace (DNA), Roland Ilyes, The. The victim was a member of the Alzheimer’s Technical Director of the Regional School Center for Parachuting (CERP).

According to him, she practiced skydiving for a year, a total of a hundred jumps.

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