David Sosoli, President of the European Parliament, has passed away

David Sassoli, Speaker of the European Parliament, died Monday, Tuesday, at the age of 65. He has been Speaker of the European Parliament since 2019.

The EPP (European right wing) with Commission Ursula van der Leyen, the Council for Liberals with Charles Michael and the Socialists with David Sosoli went to Parliament.

His nationality, his party – the second member of the Social Democratic Committee – and his knowledge of the organization, of which he was one of the vice-presidents during the previous legislature, made him a last-minute man. Situation.

He saw his two-and-a-half-year mandate weighed down by the health crisis. But his focus on groups, teleworking, his sense of organization, his remote voting system and his ability to resist French pressure to bring elected officials back to Strasbourg, the seat of parliament, earned him the company’s respect.

As a sign of solidarity in the midst of an epidemic, he made available the deserted campus of Parliament in both Strasbourg and Brussels to prepare food for needy families and to set up a Govt-19 screening center.

Excessive smoker and pan vivant

Achilles heel in his health recovering from leukemia. He was a heavy smoker and of good character, and was hospitalized last September due to pneumonia, which set him apart from parliament for several weeks.

On December 26, he was re-admitted to the hospital, according to his spokesman, “with a serious complication due to dysfunction of the immune system.”

Born in Florence, Tuscany on May 30, 1956, David Sasoli chose journalism after studying political science. He began collaborating with small newspapers and news organizations, and later, in 1992, joined RAI, a public broadcaster, where he became one of the star editors of the first channel.

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Love first fell in love with politics in 2009 when Walter Veltroni, the former mayor of the left in Rome, arranged for the merger of the two major left and center-left parties, and David Sosoli joined the project, and it was born. Democratic Party (PD).

As a candidate for the European elections, he was elected to the PD list with more than 400,000 votes, which deliberately removed him from the screen and began his political career in Parliament.

The leader of the PD delegation at the organization, he ran for mayor of Rome for the post of mayor of Rome in 2013 and sought to enter the national political arena, but was overthrown by the then-elected Ignacio Marino. Mayor.

Since this abandoned endeavor, the father of these two children has dedicated himself to the European Assembly. Re-elected in 2014, he became Deputy Speaker of Parliament in charge of Budget and Euro-Mediterranean Policy.

“The most important railway reform in the EU – European law Sasoli-Dijksma – was adopted in 2017 after three years of complex negotiations,” he said, referring to the patriarchal right to open up to competition in the national passenger transport markets.

He said he “did not give up completely (s) working as a journalist” and still collaborated with various newspapers and magazines by writing columns.

He, along with Francesco Saverio Romano in 2013, was the author of a book on the advice of ministers when Aldo Moro was abducted in the spring of 1978.

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