Donald Trump trial: “Evil billionaires”, leaflets, fakery… What we know about the man who set himself on fire in court

He was attended to by emergency personnel and taken away on a stretcher.

A man tried to set himself on fire on Friday New York court Or Donald Trump The old bribery case is under criminal investigation Porn star Stormy Daniels. A witness at the scene, who gave his name as Dave, said the man threw leaflets into the air before pouring liquid from a can and setting it on fire.

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Donald Trump case: Man sets himself on fire in court

The man was treated and taken out of the area, CNN reporters at the scene said. A New York emergency services official confirmed that a man was taken away on a stretcher after trying to set himself on fire.

“Condemn this corruption”

The reason for his action is unknown. Other witnesses said the man was calm before pouring the liquid. Nearby, a pamphlet notes “Evil Billionaires” and calling “Condemn this corruption” known A Reuters witness said there was no mention of Donald Trump on the visible part of the leaflet.

The New York court has been under scrutiny as former US President Donald Trump has been in almost daily attendance since the trial began on Monday. The incident occurred shortly after the selection of twelve title jurors and six alternates concluded, paving the way for deliberations to begin next week.

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