Disappearance in France: Kidnapping alert lifted, girl missing

I amLittle Eya, who was abducted by her father in the Isaire, “has not been found” and the Grenoble prosecutor’s office has decided to end the abduction alert triggered on Thursday evening, judicial police said on Friday, adding that “the investigation continues”.

“The elements collected thanks to this warning are exploited”, the judicial police noted. 10-year-old Eya was abducted by her father in Fontainebleau (Isère) on Thursday morning.

According to police, the mother is 33 years old and the father, whose photograph has also been released, is 53 years old. The alert gave the father’s name and the Peugeot 306’s registration at the wheel “he may be in circulation”.

Account of facts

In press testimony, the mother explained that she was walking to school with her daughter after finding a flat tire for the second time in two days.

According to her account, they were suddenly stopped by a vehicle, by which she says she recognized the child’s father.

“Her ex-husband grabbed (the child) by the hair and put her in the back seat with him,” she said, as the driver teargassed her.

Born in Tunisia, the mother studied and married in 2012 and has dual Franco-Tunisian citizenship. According to Dauphiné Liberé, the mother returned to France with her daughter in 2017.

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