Did Trump and his campaign team squeeze money from donors after the 2020 presidential election?

Prosecutors have issued subpoenas to the former president’s campaign staff and advisers in recent weeks, according to the Washington Post, citing sources familiar with the matter.

After losing the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump falsely claimed that the results had been altered. Prosecutors want to know whether he or his campaign team used the allegations in the emails to extort money from donors. According to US law, making false statements in e-mails asking for money is actually illegal, writes the Washington Post.

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Prosecutors want to determine what the former president and his aides said among themselves about the voter fraud and whether it differed from what they wrote in official correspondence to potential supporters.

According to Washington Post sources, the fundraiser brought in $200 million (181 million euros) for Donald Trump.

The revelations come as the man intends to run for the presidency of the United States in 2024 and has several legal investigations underway against him. In New York, an investigation is underway into bribery of a porn star he allegedly had sex with. He is under investigation for conspiring to alter the 2020 election results and concealing classified documents.

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