Ukrainian troops reach Russian border after counter-attack

Ukraine is preparing to intensify Russian offensive in the Donbass in the east, a priority for Moscow but where its forces are fighting, the Ukrainian military continues its counter-offensive in the Kharkov region.

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LNotes that the Ukrainian army has advanced at least one point from the Kharkiv region to the Russian border, which is the success of its symbolic counter-attack. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense released a video on Sunday evening of ten soldiers standing across the border, wearing national – colored blue and yellow uniforms. These soldiers are believed to be part of a volunteer brigade based in Kharkiv.

The Ukrainian military has indicated in recent days that it is gradually managing to repel Russian troops near Kharkiv. Russia has already withdrawn its troops to northern Ukraine after being stationed near the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Russia is currently focusing on the eastern part of Ukraine, including Donetsk and Luhansk. With the help of Moscow, pro-Russian separatists have been in control of parts of the country since 2014.

Intensity of attacks

Ukraine is preparing to intensify Russian attacks on the Donbass in the east, which is Moscow’s priority.

On Sunday evening Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovich pledged his part. On Monday morning, Ukrainian civil servants confirmed that the Russian army was concentrating its forces in the isthmus between Kharkiv and Severodonetsk.

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“We are preparing for major attacks on the Severodonetsk and the Lyssytchansk-Bakhmout axis,” said Serguiï Gaïdaï, Ukrainian governor of the Lukansk region, which is building the Donbass tunnel with Donetsk. It described an increasingly important humanitarian situation.

Who will win?

“The Russians say they will win, and so will the Ukrainians,” said Natalia Georgievna. “When we still had the internet, we could see the news, but now … we don’t know who is behind these voices or where they are coming from,” he laments.

But to British military intelligence, the Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine has “lost momentum”.

According to these sources, Moscow’s troops have failed to make significant regional gains.

“Russia may have lost a third of its ground forces in February,” they added. They believe that “under current conditions”, Russia will “significantly accelerate its progress” next month.

For their part, the Russians claim victory by launching “high-precision” missiles at two Ukrainian command points and four artillery depots in the Donetsk region (east) near Zaporizhia, Paraskovyka, Konstantinovka and Novomikayolovka.

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