Decreased tremor and swelling: Two videos again question Vladimir Putin’s health (video)

This rumor is not new. But in recent days it has become even more severely swollen. Questionable: Two videos that raise serious doubts about the full physical and mental capacity of the Russian president.

In his last filmed appearance, Vladimir Putin sits down and asks his defense minister, Sergei Shoigu. But he seems to be in a bad state and has all the problems in the world to focus on. In fact, in the pictures, we see the Russian president swollen, but not only. He seems to be standing with tight muscles, his right hand twisted around the table to avoid tingling.

Another Daily Mail video also raised a lot of questions. Images of the English media appear to date back to the invasion of Ukraine. He will then hold talks with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Once again, we find him weak with the hand gripped by an uncontrollable grip drop. His foot also makes gestures that do not appear natural. After these weird films, many media outlets believe that the Russian president has Parkinson’s disease.

As mentioned earlier, this is not the first time rumors of Vladimir Putin’s illness have surfaced. For example, Louis Mensch, a former member of the British Parliament, made a very promising statement on Twitter: “Vladimir Putin has Parkinson’s disease. In this video, you can see him clutching the desk so that his trembling arm is not visible but he can not stop his kicking.”Said.

The former KGB agent also mentioned the disease. “If he keeps moving, Putin may be suffering from the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease or some other serious pathology caused by cancer or brain tumor.”Boris Karpichkov explained.

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Does this mean that the Russian president is still dying? Obviously, we need to stay away from this kind of unconfirmed information. But the rumors are spreading strongly. Some sources suggest a temporary transfer of power.

According to journalist Michael Henryon, the most up-to-date information is: “With very strong reservations, this information or poison comes from Moscow: it says Vladimir Putin should temporarily relinquish power to his Security Council secretary, Nikolai Badrushev. The Russian president is suffering from ‘cancer’.

If so, what’s next for Vladimir Putin? “The former KGB agent is due to have surgery in the second half of April, but according to good evidence in Moscow that it did not happen in the end. During his disability, Putin has already appointed 70-year-old Badrushev. The worst chance is ‘will’The journalist continued on Facebook.

Of course, the Kremlin has not confirmed the information and continues to deny any mental or physical illness of its leader. “As far as possible action by the national leader can not be postponed. However, his unavailability should be very short. Putin’s complete transfer of his powers is beyond question, but he should be considered in this hypothesis.Michel Henrion finished.

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