Crisis in Ukraine: Russian troops ordered to invade Ukraine, according to US intelligence

Several U.S. media outlets on Sunday confirmed, citing anonymous intelligence sources, that the United States had access to information about Russian orders to invade Ukraine.

This is the information that prompted President Biden to “confirm” that he had decided to invade Ukraine on Friday, the Washington Post asserted, without directly quoting anonymous sources. The White House, the Pentagon and the State Department did not confirm or deny the allegations, according to other US media outlets.

On Friday, a Pentagon official confirmed that more than 40% of Russian troops concentrated on Ukraine’s borders were now under attack, noting that the phase of Russian-led instability in the country had “begun.”

The official said that the movement of Russian troops towards the Ukrainian border has been observed since Wednesday. Washington has been warning for weeks that Russia will cause an incident on the Ukrainian border to justify its invasion of Ukraine. On Sunday, diplomatic leader Anthony Blingen reaffirmed that “everything” indicates that Russia is on the “edge” of occupying Ukraine. Russia denies any plan of aggression, but demands guarantees for its security, such as the withdrawal of NATO from Eastern Europe, many of which have been rejected by the West.

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