Theo Franken was a guest on Bell RTL on Wednesday morning 21 February. The central vice president was responding to questions from Martin Buxant, specifically about the two-year war in Ukraine.
We know Theo Franken as the federal vice-president, but the member of the nationalist N-VA party is also the vice-president of the NATO parliamentary assembly where international and geopolitical security is discussed.
He answered Martin Buxant's questions about the conflicts in Eastern Europe with this hat. Some fear that Vladimir Putin's ambitions extend beyond his Ukrainian neighbors. Is the war in Ukraine likely to spread further? “Yes it is possible”Bell RTL morning said Theo Franken without hesitation.
Before Eligibility: “But for now, no. It depends on our positions and our reinforcements in the east.”Estimated by M.P.
However, the latter created an assessment in which the international alliance was able to block and show its efforts with Russia. “When the war started two years ago with Putin's brutal invasion, we sent 40,000 people to the east at that time. Today, 300,000 people have already been mobilized.”
But according to Theo Franken, that may not be enough. It is always necessary and “Strengthen the East Side”. Because it's important to say to Putin and other autocrats around the world, 'Don't come at us, because we'll attack too.'”
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