Call for boycott of Israel: Danone not investing $3.5 billion in company illegally founded in Golan

As part of the war between Hamas and Israel, it has called for a boycott of products targeting several companies linked in various forms to the Jewish state. These calls are broadcast on online platforms in different languages ​​and different countries (India, Malaysia,…).

Free An article published on November 13 that in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim population, the country’s highest religious authority issued a fatwa declaring “haram” support for Israel or those who believe in it. A number of Indonesian-language publications are calling for a boycott of Danone on the “X” social network. Same scenario Taking over the group’s brands.

Questioned by RTBF, Nathalie Guillaume, spokeswoman for Danone Belgium-Luxembourg, completely denies the information published in the analyzed publications, but confirms “Danone is active and markets products in all regions of the world, including the Middle East“.

Like many other multinational companies, Danone is doing well with its various brands and especially in the Israeli market20% stake in Strauss Group (Active in the food sector and based in Tel Aviv), the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) France Association campaigns for an economic boycott of Israel, not citing the French multinational among the companies it targets on its pages. 5th And 9th November 2023.

Finally, in the context of these publications about Danone’s 3.5 billion investment in Colon, no source is cited and no factual elements substantiate the assertions.

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