Apple confirms it will add USB-C ports to iPhones after new EU law

Apple has confirmed that it will equip future iPhones in the European Union with a USB-C port in order to comply with a new EU mandate that all phones sold in their countries must use a USB-C charger.

In an interview with The Wall Street JournalGreg Joswiak, Apple’s global senior vice president of marketing, said the company “must comply” with the new mandate, but made clear it would do so because it “has no choice” in the matter. He also argued that charging bricks largely solved this problem, adding that users who get rid of their original Lightning cables will lead to a significant amount of waste as the devices switch.

“Governments, you know, have to do what they are going to do. Obviously we will have to comply. We don’t have a choice like we do all over the world to comply with local laws,” Joswiak says. “But, you know, we think the approach would have been better environmentally and better. For our customers if there is no government it is mandatory.”

New European Union law It aims to have all electronic devices use USB-C ports by 2024. The goal is to allow people who use multiple devices to charge phones, tablets, handheld game consoles like the Switch and other rechargeable tech using universal ports and cables, rather than getting to use Many different brands. Apple phones have mainly used Lightning cables since they were introduced in 2012.

The iPhone 14 was launched last month, and IGN described the Pro version as “one of the most substantial updates” the line of phones has received over the years. For more on that, check out our IGN review.

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Kenneth Shepherd is a writer covering games, entertainment, and weirdness all over the Internet. Find him on Twitter at @shepardcdr, and listen to the biweekly video game Normandy FM’s retrospective podcast, currently covering Cyberpunk 2077.

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