Alexeï Navalny has not yet been found: his entourage is rewarding any information about his whereabouts

The group around Alexei Navalny is offering rewards for information on the whereabouts of the Russian opposition leader, who has been missing for two weeks, his spokeswoman Kira Yarmish said on Wednesday. German news Heat.

Still hoping someone can provide us with some information.“, Kira Yarmish explained. His lawyers have not seen him since December 6 and do not know where he is. Mr. Navalny has been imprisoned since 2021. Several cases are pending against him and he is currently being interrogated as part of those cases. During his trial via video link , but he missed the last two weeks.

On Monday, a technical problem was first noted, before prison officials explained that he was no longer in the prison. So the judge interrupted the trial. “There are no legal restrictions on the duration of transfers between two detention centres. Ms Yarmish said. So anything can happen to him during this period. He is now completely at the mercy of the people who tried to kill him three years ago“, he added. In 2020, Mr. Navalny narrowly escaped a poisoning attack, for which he blamed the Russian secret services.

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