A teenager was abducted and raped and rescued by his phone

After contacting her through social networks, police found that the victim still had a mobile phone.

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U.S.We learned from police circles on Sunday that a 14-year-old girl who was abducted and raped by two men in Marseille was finally released after activating the location of her phone on social networks and guiding police to the attackers who allegedly attacked her.

Two men, aged 26 and 64, who were arrested Friday in the apartment where the young woman was found, were brought to the Marseille State Attorney’s Office on Sunday for “rape and abduction in the presence of a minor” after 48 hours in custody. Seen when they talked about consensual sex and disputed rape.

Very shocked woman

The minor, very shocked, was admitted to a hospital in Marseille shortly after his release. Clinical tests confirmed the presence of anal ulcers. The young woman, who fled the Artech, said she was forced to have oral sex. He was later reunited with his family, police said.

The case was first revealed by Alliance Police Association representative Rudy Manna on his Twitter account on Saturday.

The victim’s parents issued a warning Friday, after receiving a call from their daughter, explaining to them that she had been detained in Marseilles and had been raped.

When she escaped, in Marseille, the teen met a 26-year-old man at a party who offered to host her. He then followed him to the apartment where another 64-year-old man was staying. According to the victim, two men alternately raped her after she smoked marijuana.

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After contacting her through social networks, police found that the victim still had a mobile phone. By activating his phone’s location on the Snapshot network, he allowed them to target a building in the 15th Circuit, a town in the northern districts of Marseille.

They then drummed one by one on all the doors of the building they were targeting, and through a simple message on the social network, the little one confirmed that they were actually in front of her isolated apartment.

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