A stalemate for the West? Putin’s message ahead of meeting with Xi Jinping

In an article published Sunday in Chinese daily Renmin Ribao (The Daily of People, Organ of the Chinese Communist), Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of relations between his country and China as he prepares to receive his Chinese counterpart in Moscow. party). The Kremlin published a Russian version of the speech on its website.

“Russian-Chinese relations have reached the highest level in their history and continue to strengthen,” Putin said. He assessed the quality of relations between Moscow and Beijing as “higher than the political and military unions of the Cold War era”.

“Together with people who share the same vision, our countries logically defend the creation of a more just multilateral world order based on international law, not “rules” that serve only the interests of the “golden billions,” writes Mr. Putin. The expression refers to rich Western countries.

Mr. Putin also accuses the United States of trying to control Russia and China. He thanked China for its balanced approach to the events in Ukraine and understanding its background and ‘real reasons’.

The Russian president said Moscow welcomed Beijing’s willingness to play a constructive role in reaching a one-country agreement.

He has already done Mr. forty times. Recalling his meeting with Xi, he promises that Xi Jinping’s three-day visit to Moscow on Monday will give new impetus to all areas of cooperation.

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Putin welcomes “China’s willingness to play a constructive role” in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin on Sunday praised China’s “willingness to play a constructive role in the solution” of the Ukraine, Beijing conflict. On Ukraine, Putin said, “We welcome China’s willingness to play a constructive role in resolving the crisis.”

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He said he was “thankful” to China for its “balanced” stance on “events in Ukraine” and for “understanding their prehistory and their real causes.”

“Russia is open to solving the Ukrainian crisis through political-diplomatic means,” the Russian leader assured.

However, he insisted that kyiv must recognize “new geopolitical realities”, namely the recent collapse of four Ukrainian regions and the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

“Unfortunately, the ultimatums to Russia (their authors, editor’s note) are far from these facts and are not interested in finding a solution,” he said.

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