The War in Ukraine: 4 Questions for Volodymyr Zhelensky’s Special Adviser and Vice President Igor Chowk

Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the room’s representatives this Thursday afternoon, At the beginning of the traditional full session. Opportunity for the President of Ukraine Comparing the Battle of Mariupol with the Battle of Yabres in 1915 “Russian diamonds are sometimes sold in Antwerp“.

Moreover, it has become a habit for the former actor to become president: during his speeches in parliaments around the world, he never fails to slip into historical references or point out the national aspect that influenced the war. Ukraine.

How is this discourse strategy organized on the Ukrainian side? RTBF spoke with Igor Zhovkva, special adviser and deputy chairman of Volodymyr Zelensky’s staff.

President Zhelensky adapts his speech to each parliament he addresses, how effective is this strategy and how did it develop?

Igor Chowkwa : “This adaptation idea was developed by the President. You know that he speaks daily to foreign leaders, presidents and prime ministers. But he decided to address the parliaments and talk to the people of the pro-Ukrainian states, in addition to talking to foreign leaders. As we talk to each nation, we must find something special that will break the ice between us and the foreign nation, and even today, in the case of Ukraine, everyone supports our struggle against the Russian occupation.

Every time President Zhelensky addresses a parliament, he finds common historical moments, and he sees specific relations between Ukraine and the country in which he speaks. In fact, he insists on his own words in order to gain additional support from the countries where he speaks. Today only [jeudi 31 mars, NDLR]He addressed 3 different parliaments, the parliaments of Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands and he was very confident in all these events.

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What is the impact of international sanctions and pressure on Moscow? Is this enough?

IZ : “Sanctions are important, they weaken the Russian economy, and they weaken Russia’s ability to fight Ukraine. We are grateful for the sanctions that all major states have already implemented. But we definitely need more. Why? Because immediate sanctions are needed to have an impact on the economy, the elite, businesses and the Russian financial system. Anything that weakens them to fight against Ukraine. This is because every dollar they earn by selling their products and selling their wares to European or international companies is immediately reinvested in the military and used to make weapons to kill Ukrainians.

We are certainly not happy about the current sanctions, especially in the European Union. At this time, we are talking about the closure of ports for all Russian ships, the ban on Russian gas and coal imports, and the freezing of Russian assets in European banks. It is even possible to use these assets to revive the Ukrainian economy.

Moreover, we want sanctions against exposed politicians at all levels of government who have collaborated with the Russian occupation. Not only small banks but all Russian banks need a wide and rapid suspension. All these are necessary and this has been communicated to all the leaders by my President. We hope that member states, including the European Union and Belgium, will support us in these important moments.

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