Update on the Russian invasion of Ukraine this Saturday evening

But the Kremlin has already said it is not worried about sanctions and has stepped up its invasion. “All divisions were ordered to expand the attack in all directions“, Said the Russian Defense Ministry.

Earlier, Moscow, which has been waging an information war, accused Ukraine of refusing a ceasefire and talks the day before.

Russia has in fact imposed a condition that the Ukrainians lay down their arms, which was rejected by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky in several videos released from central Kiev. Fighting broke out on Saturday in several Ukrainian cities, except the capital, on the third day of the intervention launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“A futile war”

At least 198 civilians, including three children, have been killed and 1,115 injured since Thursday, Ukrainian Health Minister Viktor Liashko said.

You do not deserve a futile war with your neighbors, friends and family in Ukraine

Anthony Blingen, President of US Diplomacy, spoke directly on Twitter on Saturday.To the Russian people“, In Russian.

You do not deserve a futile war with your neighbors, friends and family in Ukraine“, He wrote specifically.

See also  Putin cousin's daughter killed: Ukraine reaction

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