“Shut up”: The tone rises in the room between MR, PS and PTB

On the left, Ecolo-Groen, through Simon Moutquin, called for the immediate recognition of a Palestinian state, an embargo on colonial products, or the war crimes of Israeli settlers and military officials that prohibit entry into European and Belgian territory.

In the CD&V, Else van Hoof again called for a ban on imports from the colonies, while the government agreement remained limited to implementing the policy of differentiation. However, a government source indicated that the matter was briefly discussed during the Kern (Control Cabinet) held on Wednesday.

The PS, for its part, reiterated its call for an immediate ceasefire. “What is a humanitarian ceasefire? We stop for a few days, a few hours and then start again? This is the immediate ceasefire we need,” implored Malik Ben Achor, as did Peter Mertens (PTB, opposition). Israeli ambassador.

Faced with these divergent views within the majority, Prime Minister Alexandre de Groove (Open VLD) was careful to focus his views on concrete measures, “consequences”, that Belgium could deliver in support of peace. He called for an end to violence, a return to the negotiating table, opportunities for civilians and a two-state solution “respecting the 1967 borders”.

In a press release issued before the plenary session, Cooperation Minister Caroline Janes (Wouruit) said “the government is currently considering the possibility of recognizing Palestine as an independent state, in partnership with like-minded European countries.” The Prime Minister did not comment on this.

In opposition, Georges Dalmagne (Les Engages) lamented the warning, calling on the prime minister to “reinforce his political agenda”.

Israel-Hamas: Prime Minister Alexandre de Groove’s subtle evolution a month after the massacres

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Raise your voice

The session was marked by a clash between Michel de Maegd (MR) on one side, Nabil Boukili (PTB) and Ahmed Laaouej (PS) on the other. The Liberal turned to the controversial views of several leftist figures, citing Jean-Pascal Labille, AndrĂ© Flahaut, Zakia Khattabi and Fouad Ahidar. “All this prevents a constructive debate,” lamented the MP, echoing comments made by former French National Front president Jean-Marie Le Pen, who called the Shoah a “detail of history”. The comparison prompted an outcry on the left, with Communist and Socialist representatives pointing out that Israel’s response was not condemning and focused on the victims. “Shut up,” mr. De Mac replied dryly.

Finally, Peter de Roover (N-VA) denounced the “hypocrisy” of certain parties without naming them. “Where were you when the horrific events took place in Yemen or in the east of the DRC?” he asked.

Alexandre de Groove will travel to Paris on Friday morning for the Peace Forum, where Foreign Minister Hadjah Lahbib will be this Thursday.

The session began with a minute’s silence “in tribute to all civilians who have died in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” in the words of Chamber Elian Tilleaux.

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