Bedbugs: Many schools are closed in France, doctors sound the alarm in Belgium

Seven schools in France have been closed because of bedbugs, and ten more have been infected, National Education Minister Gabriel Attel announced Friday evening.

“There are more than fifteen, 17, in various stages, that we have identified as having errors, and seven companies that have been closed, as I speak to you, for this reason,” he announced. “C à vous” program in France 5.

The day before, the Ministry of National Education, in a communication sent to AFP, revealed five closed institutions that educate a total of 1,500 students (in Vaucluse, Saône-et-Loire, Vosges, etc.).

“There are almost 60,000 companies, here we are only talking about a few dozen, but it is true that the cases are piling up,” noted Gabriel Attal on Friday evening. “We need to provide an immediate response and be able to treat companies within 24 hours.”

“A list of ‘accredited and approved’ institutions has been developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and regional health institutions so that the heads of the institutions can have contacts and engage them very quickly,” he added.

“Belgium has the same bed bug problem as France, but we cover it better here”

Anxiety in Belgium

Note that concern is also growing in Belgium. And especially in Flanders, many doctors are alarmed by this new scourge. To our colleagues at Laatste Nieuws, the Antwerp doctor still announced Ceulemans: “Of all our patients, approximately one percent experience bed bugs. There is no medical code for mites, so the disease is often not officially recorded in medical records. Additionally, people who experience this problem may not necessarily consult their general practitioner because they are embarrassed or simply don’t know.”

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And the expert points to more lax political leaders. “We need to act before it’s too late. Bed bugs often live in low-income homes, cannot be controlled, and can spread to public spaces at any time.”, still refers to Silemans. (with Belga)

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