The United Kingdom: The Epitome of a Decaying Country, Resolutely Corruption

It is difficult to see the positive effects of Brexit in these conditions. As the British retreated, by the end of August, they discovered that the sky might fall on their heads. or of their children.

A few days before the start of the school year, they learn that more than 150 British schools cannot reopen their doors because they risk … collapsing. The reason: Aerated concrete (a cheap cellular concrete) was used in the construction of many schools until the 1990s, and it is deteriorating at an alarming rate.

Of course, schools have nothing to do with concrete Europe. Boris Johnson, in the middle of the “Leave” campaign, promised his comrades that Brexit would be the end of austerity. A result of cuts in public spending. By taking our destiny back into our own hands, let’s bring money back into the coffers…

Today is a disappointment. The school sector does not seem to have been a priority for conservatives. Worse, the Johnson government had been aware of the schools’ problem for years. Rishi Sunak, now Prime Minister, but then Finance Minister, is said to have slowed down the work recommended two years ago.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. A whole series of public buildings were built with this damaged concrete. Airports, courts, even hospitals. A Labor MP said he visited a hospital too weak to treat obese patients on the ground floor.

In short, for many commentators, the scandal is a metaphor for a crumbling United Kingdom. A sign of a nation’s decline. A country where other scandals may appear in the coming years against the backdrop of public economies. The El Dorado envisioned by the Brexiteers is not real.

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