What are the best companion dog breeds?

There is no single answer to this question, as choosing the best dog breed depends on personal preferences, lifestyle and individual needs.

Each breed of dog has its own characteristics, personality and specific needs. Here are some popular breeds that are often undervalued for different reasons:

1. Labradors. Labradors are known to be energetic and active.

2. Golden Retriever. Extremely loyal, the Golden Retriever loves to please its owner and exercise regularly.

3. The Chorgi. Sorkies are considered a scary breed, but they are adorable and very playful.

4. Dalmatian. Dalmatians are loyal and make great jogging and hiking companions.

5. Australian Shepherds. This hybrid is an excellent walking and frisbee partner, in addition to mental gymnastics.

6. Jack Russell Terrier. The Jack Russells are always motivated to grab a stick or ball and play.

7. Pembroke Welsh Corgi. These playful, smiling dogs were a favorite of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

8. English Springer. Known for his boundless energy, the English Springer loves all sports related to hunting.

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