Worrying news about Pope Francis’ health

“At the end of the audience (on March 29) I felt a strong pain, I did not lose consciousness,” the Argentine pope said during a press conference on the plane that was bringing him back to Budapest.

“I had a high fever and (…) the doctor immediately admitted me to the hospital”, and he noted “severe and strong pneumonia in the lower part of the lungs”.

“The body responded well to the treatment. Thank God I can tell you about it,” he added.

The pope spent three days in hospital in Rome before being released on April 1 after antibiotic treatment.

In his youth, at the age of 21, George Bergoglio suffered from severe pleurisy and surgeons partially removed his right lung.

This latest health incident was the subject of a flurry of communications that fueled rumors about the pope’s health, with the Vatican initially indicating the pope was suffering from bronchitis before announcing he was being hospitalized for scheduled tests.

When asked about his next trips, François confirmed his intention to visit Lisbon for World Youth Day (WYD) in early August, followed by Marseilles and Mongolia in September.

” show [de voyages prévus] Moves me,” he joked.

George Bergoglio, who was elected in 2013, appears to be in very poor health, especially because of his knee pain, and he is confined to a wheelchair.

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