‘The situation is worse today than during the Cold War’: Lavrov sends strong message to UN Security Council

A year after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia at the UN Rebelled Western allies of Q. As opposed to wanting to do Moscow a favor, the Security Council used the rules by giving Russia this presidency for a month. Rules framed since 1945.

In fact, the rotating presidency of the Security Council is defined alphabetically by the countries that sit in the post. In April, Russia took over the presidency from Mozambique, a non-permanent member it took over in March. Likewise, since the UN headquarters is in New York, the United States cannot prevent member state leaders and ambassadors from entering its territory.

Russia took over the presidency of the UN Security Council It sent none more or less than its diplomatic chief: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The latter set the tone by organizing and presiding over a special meeting on Monday on the “protection of principles” of the UN Charter, including the maintenance of international peace. A policy that Russia itself violates by invading Ukraine.

“Fake Interlocutor”

The meeting was requested by Russia In no case did the other members of the Security Council fail to react. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield called Russia particularly “Pretentious Interlocutor”.

“By organizing this debate, Russia is trying to present itself as a defender of the principles of the United Nations. But nothing could be further from the truth. How can you be so cynical?UN Olof Skoog, the representative of the EU’s 27 member states on the Security Council, was angered for his role.

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The Russian foreign minister was less fond of criticism from Ukraine’s allies, saying that “no one allows Western ‘minorities’ to speak on behalf of all humanity,” adding that he was a UN member. He rebuked other members of the defense and left. Council: “The situation is worsened by a lack of confidence in international cooperation.”

Before concluding, setting the tone for the Russian presidency of the Security Council: “The situation in the world today is much worse than it was during the Cold War.. “During the Cold War, we have a dangerous gateway, perhaps even more dangerous.”He also said.

Parallel to the Cold War depicted a few days ago In La Libre columns by former NATO Secretary General Willy ClaesIt showed “very worrying” of the situation.

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