80 Years of the Landings: Follow the commemorations of this unprecedented military operation

Skydivers land on Utah Beach

Following the landing of the Second Marine Battalion, commemoration continues on Utah Beach.

Navy SEALs Present Tribute Book to Families of Veterans of Battle of Utah Beach Later, the paratroopers landed on the beach.

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There are more than 150 reconstructed ones on Utah Beach. So, they will get the first wave attack again. 15,000 people came to witness this reconstruction.

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Continuity of Restoration on Utah Beach

Hundreds of people got up early and gathered around Utah Beach, where the reenactment took place. A moment marked by a moment of silence and the sound of bagpipes.

80 years since the landing: commemoration begins80 years since the landing: commemoration begins

For David, a re-enactor, the 80th anniversary of D-Day “is something special”, he told BFM. “We still have some players. V.SAdded to the emotional aspect of the event. Because we know very well that with time these veterans will disappear”.

Festival on Utah Beach

The ceremony takes place on Utah Beach in front of the veterans’ families. It looks like the 1944 landings are happening. At dawn on June 6, 1944, the first American soldiers landed and the Allies lost more men in the deluge of German fire.

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Sunrise at Omaha Beach

The sun rises over Omaha Beach as final preparations are completed for the international commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy.

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