Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes seen in Thailand? A surfer’s testimony sows confusion: “I fell on the c** and it was him”

Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes is one of the most wanted men in the world. The man is suspected of killing his wife, his four children and his two dogs before disappearing into the forest in April 2011. While some believe the fugitive is dead, others think he’s still on the prowl. In fact, it is common for internet users to claim to have seen the Frenchman in different places each time. Thus, Police Justice Magazine brought out a story shared by a woman in a forum in 2018. The latter says he saw XDDL in Thailand while on vacation.

She reveals that he arrived on a black Honda Move scooter to settle in the same restaurant where she was eating. “Who wears a helmet in Thailand to avoid unexpected police raids. Then I say to myself: ‘That looks like the mom from XDDL’ is her case”. She then decides to go to a cyber cafe to do some research and take a closer look at the fugitive’s photos. “There, I fell on the ass, and it was him, the hair was a bit longer, the middle part, more muscular, because I think he does bodybuilding because there are sports clubs in all the neighborhoods and apartments in Thailand,” she continued.

It is not impossible for XDDL to exist in Thailand, as long as it is still alive. Indeed, as Bruno de Staubenrath reveals in his book dedicated to his childhood friend, this country has many advantages for those in need. “Any self-respecting fugitive uses the doctrine of three borders. I can see Xavier in Thailand: overnight, he can go to Burma, Laos or Cambodia – and from there to Vietnam,” he wrote. If it was indeed a famous fugitive, he might have fled the scene.

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