“We never would have imagined it.”

Gary Thornburn and Clare Beards left their car with Meet & Greet car park staff at Manchester Airport and flew to Murga in Spain for about a fortnight. But when they returned to Leeds on August 16, it was reported that they were in for a much worse surprise. Manchester Evening News.

A letter dated six days ago said the Golf GTI was caught traveling at 88km/h in a 50 zone, about 17km from the airport. Pictures in the letter showed a car with the same make and number plate committing the crime on August 5, two days after the couple arrived in Spain.

Manchester Airport ensured that the car was taken to a secure compound by staff on the same day as Gary and Clare left, and remained there for the rest of their holiday. “I’ve used babysitting companies before and never had a problem,” Gary testified. “I knew they sometimes took the cars somewhere else, but I never imagined getting a speeding ticket a few miles from the airport. »

All’s well that ends well, however: “Further investigations indicated that the vehicle shown in the radar image was different from the vehicle we have left,” Mead & Creed said. “We want to reassure customers that we have a number of strict security measures in place to monitor the whereabouts of our remaining vehicles and ensure they are safe at all times,” the spokesperson added.

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