“We lost our daughter”: Little Lena is “vegetative” after eating dirty pizza

The recent withdrawal of Kinder products due to salmonellosis is not an isolated case. Every year in Europe, many foods are withdrawn from the market due to bacterial contamination, some more dangerous than others.

While salmonellosis usually causes some complications, other substances can have very devastating effects on health.

Last February, the “scandal of dirty pizzas” made France so upset. Two children have died after eating Buttoni brand frozen pizza contaminated with the highly harmful E. coli bacteria. A total of 50 people, including 48 children, reported severe symptoms.

12-year-old Lena is one of them. After consuming this brand of pizza in late February, the little girl developed serious problems and needed further treatment at the hospital.

Stunned, the teenage parents testify to their ordeal in Figaro’s columns. “LenIs Was near death. She is OK. ” His 49-year-old father, Cedric, explains.

Lena could not speak, hear, see or walk for two months. “She’s vegetarian from 5-Milk Pizza. ” His father moans and moves. “We lost our daughter”, His mother Sophie comments.

Both parents no longer go to work to take care of their daughter.

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