War in Ukraine: Russia ready to use Ukrainian children on front

Thousands of Ukrainian citizens have reportedly been illegally deported to Russia. The exact number of displaced children is currently unknown as the Kremlin does not provide figures. As for Ukrainian authorities, they estimate the number of children to be in the thousands.

According to Amnesty International, such practices constitute a crime against humanity. Trafficking civilians is also a violation of international agreements.

“Ukrainian children as cannon fodder”

Kyiv Independent”, Russian authorities have kept lists of Ukrainian children’s names, with the sole aim of mobilizing them once they reach majority in 2023. , i.e. Luhansk and Donetsk, would have already been registered for conscription.

Michael Carpenter said: “The intention to use Ukrainian children as cannon fodder for war is wrong”.

These measures are not new. Last November, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov smuggled young Ukrainians from the occupied territories into Chechnya for training.Military-patriotism”.

See also  The war in Ukraine could reshuffle the cards between Moscow, Beijing and Washington

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