War in Ukraine, Paris wants to send hundreds of instructors to Ukrainian soil

► What do we know about the plan to send a consortium of European instructors to Ukraine?

This alliance may take the form of a battalion of about 650 soldiers. France will be the framework nation and the main supplier of manpower. The Baltic countries are associated with the project, especially Lithuania, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis made clear. Poland would support the French initiative, and the United Kingdom would also be interested.

This European alliance is not exactly one because of the lack of unanimity among EU member states: neither Germany nor Italy support it, not to mention Hungary, whose position is considered pro-Russian. These disagreements delayed its constitution.

So it could be like what France started in the Sahel with the Takuba Force: a coalition of special forces from some European countries tasked with advising, assisting and training the Malian armed forces in the fight against jihadist groups. It disbanded in 2022 after the arrival of the Russian troupe Wagner in Mali.

► What will be the work of these instructors in Ukraine?

“They will provide “grenadier-voltigeur” ​​training, i.e. the typical training of an infantryman engaged in modern warfare.” General Dominique Trinquant, former military chief of the French delegation to the United Nations, responds.

The urban combat element will be important. “There will be an important demining component. Ukrainian forces lack demining experts, as evidenced by the failure of their major offensive last summer. General continues.

The alliance will also provide the necessary training to master Western-sponsored weapons: armored vehicles, aircraft, missiles, and artillery such as the Caesar Cannon. “Specifically this year we have to provide 78 units to the Ukrainian forces. To master its use, you need two months of training.” Again underlining the pawn.

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The EU is already training Ukrainian soldiers in Poland, as part of the EU Military Assistance Mission in Support of Ukraine, Eumam (EU Military Assistance Mission in Support of Ukraine). It prepares Ukrainians for urban warfare, in the trenches and in the jungle. France participates “actively” 250-player squad from October 2022. His tenure ended on May 4.

► Can these instructors turn the tide of war to Ukraine’s advantage?

The reinforcement is needed by the Ukrainian army, which has been shaken since the beginning of the year by the Russian offensive in the east. European instructors will replace Ukrainian instructors, whose presence is now valuable. “On-Site Training in Ukraine Saves Time” Adds the general trinquant.

However, this aid appears too simple to significantly change the balance of power between Kyiv and Moscow. On the other hand, on a more symbolic and political level, this commitment marks a new stage in the mobilization of some Western countries in support of Ukraine. This, a week after the US, France and Germany authorized Kyiv to use their weapons on targets in Russia. A message sent to Vladimir Putin about their commitment not to allow him to operate in Ukraine without any reaction from them.

► Is there an increased risk?

Western countries that refuse to join this alliance fear uncontrolled escalation. Moscow also made it clear on Tuesday, June 4, that it could not rule out striking French instructors sent to Ukraine. When he appeared on the 8pm news on June 6, Emmanuel Macron denied that these measures were in place, except for the delivery of the Mirage and the sending of instructors to Ukraine. “Aggravating Factor” : “Train someone in the western zone, which is a free zone in Ukraine, it’s not an occupation” He protected.

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The head of state put the scope of Moscow’s threats into perspective: “From the first day, the Russians have threatened nuclear bombs, this or that attack, it has not changed anything. The bottom line is that we did not make a mistake, we did not make a mistake. »

What happens if instructors are killed by Russian strikes? Is it a withdrawal of this mission or an expansion of the mobilization of these countries in support of Ukraine or an offensive reaction on their part against Russia?

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