War in Ukraine: “Baltic countries better watch out, no one will save them”

There are no “other choices”. On December 8, Vladimir Putin announced that he would be around the world candidate To run for a fifth term as president of Russia. Amid a pandemic, he could remain in power until 2036 thanks to a controversial constitutional reform adopted in 2020. Vladimir Putin reportedly made the announcement to a Ukrainian soldier Head Ladsday News. A way to establish the Russian president’s willingness to continue his strategy of confrontation with the West. “He may not be able to go back.”, analyzes reporter Guy van Willierden.

Reforms, economy, energy … How Ukraine conducts war and hopes for peace: “It will be difficult, but we will survive”

This candidacy, as expected, did not bode well for the West. The reporter continues his analysis of the situation, which he considers dangerous for states close to Ukraine: “The Baltic countries better watch out, it seems no one is going to save them now”, says the journalist.

In recent weeks, military aid to Ukraine by the West has dwindled, particularly due to political disagreements. Volodymyr Zelensky faces crumbling support as the war in Ukraine continues, nearly two years after the Russian invasion.

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