War in Ukraine: 33-year-old Russian-American arrested in Russia for “treason”

“The Federal Security Service put an end to the illegal activities of a 33-year-old resident of Los Angeles, Russian and American citizens living in Yekaterinburg,” the FSB told Russian media.

The young woman, who has not been identified, was arrested as part of a “treason” investigation because, since the start of the Russian offensive against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, she “collected funds for the benefit of the Ukrainian organization, and then used them to buy tactical medical supplies, equipment, weapons and ammunition for the armed forces of Ukraine.” used.

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A video broadcast by state agency Ria Novosti shows a young woman, wearing a white down jacket and a white hat pulled over her eyes, being handcuffed by a hooded FSB agent.

Several American citizens are detained in Russia, including journalist Ivan Gershkovich, who was arrested in Yekaterinburg for espionage nearly a year ago. He denies the allegations, as do those close to him, his employer, the Wall Street Journal, and the US government.

Vladimir Putin has said he wants to negotiate a prisoner exchange, citing the case of a man accused of pro-Russian assassination who is jailed in Germany.

Mr Gershkovich is expected to have his pre-trial detention extended at an appeals hearing in Moscow on Tuesday.

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