War between China and America in 2025? An American general calls his troops to be ready

General Minihan, the head of the US Air Force, believes 2025 provides a favorable timetable for China to intervene in Taiwan, a state separated from mainland China and with its own government and institutions since 1949, which Beijing believes is part of Taiwan. its territory and must be recaptured. Such a move would force the Americans to act in the region.

A presidential election in Taiwan is less than a year away, which will allow Xi Jinping to find a motive for action. He will be like this “Part of one team, one mission and opportunity for 2025”Again urges General Minihan.

In his note, the soldier asks his troops to prepare for war this year. Therefore, he calls for them to train specifically by emphasizing their target shooting exercises. “Toward the Head”.

As AFP recalls, tensions between the US and China have intensified in recent years “China is growing in power and confidence, fueling growing fears in the US.”

Last August, tensions reached a peak following unprecedented Chinese military maneuvers around Taiwan. A move to threaten the US during House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei.

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