Want to go with your partner? If that’s why don’t do it

By Lauren Choukiasian

to go together A big step in a relationship and should be carefully considered. Of all the reasons that might prompt you to cross it, this is the worst.

After a certain period of time as a couple, the desire to live together is often felt. While this is generally a good time in a relationship, things don’t always go as planned. For everything to go well, you need to ask the right questions and clarify many things with your partner: the financial aspect, who will cook, cleaning, etc. Another important thing to consider before deciding why you want to move in together. There is actually something that turns out to be a bad reason.

Bad reason to go together

According to a marriage therapist, it could be due to finances. In fact, some couples move in together quickly to save money: the rent is split, as well as the shopping budget, utilities, etc. Or even because travel between one’s accommodation and another costs money.

“If your main reason for moving in together is to save money, think twice about going forward. Although it is an attractive option, living together is a mental, emotional and physical commitment.

So think carefully about why you want to live together and communicate well with your partner beforehand.

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